BD Rhapsody™ Single-Cell Analysis System

A powerful, high-throughput, microwell-based single-cell partitioning system, combined with visual workflow QC.

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A complete single-cell multiomics solution from your trusted partner in flow cytometry

BD Rhapsody™ Single-Cell Analysis System, reliability and consistency for single-cell multiomic analyses in research and translational studies

  • Imaging based workflow quality control included (BD Rhapsody™ Scanner) for full visibility of key metrics
  • Broad range of cell throughput: 100 – 40.000 cells
  • Up to 80% cell capture rate
  • Low multiple rate (~2-3% @10.000 cells loaded)
  • Gentle and efficient gravity-based cell capture
  • Large sample volume
  • No microfluidic channels so clogging of channels is not a concern
  • Capture and analyze fragile cells (Granulocytes, neutrophils, CAR-T cells, stem cells & more)

See what our customers are saying about BD RhapsodyTM Single-Cell Analysis System

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How does the complete workflow for high-parameter single cell characterization look like?


BD Biosciences flow cytometry instruments have enabled researchers to successfully conduct single cell analyses for over 45 years.

The BD Rhapsody™ System extends this capability and facilitates the analysis of thousands of genes and proteins simultaneously at the single-cell level.