Many requirements in flow cytometry – One family to meet them!

The BD FACSymphony™ Family of instruments offers a complete range of solutions for flow cytometry to enable your science and help you achieve your research goals. The members of the family are uniquely tailored to meet your scientific needs and offer a wide range of options, giving you a great choice of instrument power to address your most pressing challenges.
Backed by BD’s long standing experience in flow cytometry, the BD FACSymphony™ family of instruments is accompanied by a worldwide service and application team that is able to support your scientific research efforts, either remotely or in person. From panel design to data analysis and from reagents to single-cell multiomics and bioinformatics support, the BD FACSymphony™ Family of instruments comes with an impressive array of advantages that your science can benefit from.

The BD FACSymphony™ Family

Meet the members


The BD FACSymphony™ A1

The smallest but an extremely capable member of the family, the BD FACSymphony™ A1 is a solid, entry-level flow cytometry analyser. It is useful for most flow cytometry applications and offers a new capability in the form of an optional small particle analyser. The four available configurations of BD FACSymphony™ A1 were designed to provide premium performance while maintaining a small instrument footprint.
The BD FACSymphony™ A1 enables a whole range of capabilities – from 16 colour immunophenotyping to small particle analysis – right at your benchtop. It also uses the BD FACSDiva™ Software for a streamlined workflow from system setup to data acquisition and analysis.



The BD FACSymphony™ A3

The BD FACSymphony™ A3 analyzer is a high-parameter system (HPS) that allows the use of flow cytometry for deep scientific exploration. This next generation platform allows the simultaneous measurement of up to 30 parameters and 28 colours, and comes together with BD’s expertise and support in high-parameter panel design. It can also be highly customized to meet your research needs.



The BD FACSymphony™ A5 SE

The BD FACSymphony™ A5 SE allows for high-parameter spectral flow cytometry. It enables you to gain full visible spectrum coverage to collect all light emitted without the need for filter changes, increasing dye flexibility and number of simultaneous colors. It also allows for autofluorescence unmixing, that may enable the resolution of difficult cells and populations.



The BD FACSymphony™ A5

The BD FACSymphony™ A5 is BD’s ultimate high-parameter flow cytometry system, that allows the simultaneous measurement of up to 50 parameters. It leverages all the new developments in electronics, optics and laser technologies to enable you to identify and analyse rare cell types. The BD FACSymphony™ A5 is suitable for deep and broad phenotyping to provide impactful scientific insights. It also comes together with BD’s expertise and support in high-parameter panel design.



The BD FACSymphony™ S6

The BD FACSymphony™ S6 is a versatile sorter platform that gives scientists more control of their experiments. It allows the measurement of up to 60 parameters to define more phenotypically distinct subpopulations and recover populations so far available only for analysis.
The BD FACSymphony™ S6 features cutting-edge technology and innovative optics, all designed to keep you at the forefront of your research.
The BD FACSymphony™ S6 is also equipped with an optional bio-safety cabinet.


BD FACSymphony™ A1 A3 A5 A5 SE S6
Lasers 4 2-5 5-9 5 5-9
Max Fluorescent Detectors 16 28 48 48 48
Instrument type Analyzer Analyzer Analyzer Conv/Spectral Analyzer Sorter
Software BD FACSDiva™ BD FACSDiva™ BD FACSDiva™ BD FACSDiva™ BD FACSDiva™


The BD FACSymphony™Family – accompaniments

BD Biosciences offers you a wide range of benefits that come with the BD FACSymphony™ family. These include:

  • A worldwide service and application team able to support your instruments, either remotely or in person
  • Support for panel design and data analysis
  • Single-cell Multiomics solutions
  • A broad portfolio of high-quality reagents and thousands of dye-antibody combinations.


All BD FACSymphony™ analysers and sorters are Class 1 Laser products
Products are for research use only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.