Cell and  Biomarker preservation

Stabilizing biomarkers
from discovery to clinical diagnosis

Stabilization and preservation of cell and biomarker samples are essential to optimizing downstream molecular and cellular applications, especially in the fields of oncology and immunology. Ensuring sample integrity and high-fidelity results, from discovery to clinical diagnosis, play a pivotal role.

Reliable sample collection is the first step to ensuring accurate downstream analytical results


of biomedical research papers may contain non-reproducible results1,2


of patient deaths are due to diagnostic errors3


of adverse events are due to diagnostic errors3

Reliable sample collection is essential for the development of new therapies


The year the FDA approved NGS-based liquid biopsy tests4


The number of European countries that have adopted NIPT into a national policy or programme5


RNA-targeting drug development programmes6

Sample collection and accurate analysis comes with many clinical, technical, and operational challenges

Biomarker stabilisation is key

Reference lab

Reference labs

Diagnostic methods rely heavily on the ability to analyse samples accurately and reliably. Yet if sample integrity is compromised during preanalytical processing, the development of highly sensitive diagnostic and biological assays to produce clinical data is futile.

Discover the applications

Clinical Research Organizations (CROs)

Ambitious research starts with reliable sample collection. Great care is taken to procure high-quality data, les. Whether samples are taken from across town or across the globe, it is essential that sample integrity is maintained to ensure reproducible and reliable clinical data.

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Hospitals and research labs

Sample processing and analysis needs to keep pace with the fast-moving world of clinical research. Obtaining samples for research outside of the laboratory increases the variation factor and may provide inconsistent results. Variations in sample collection site, storage and transport time, temperature variations, and supply chains should not stop you from moving the clinical world forward. The correct collection, transportation, and storage of blood samples are the first important steps to help ensuring you obtain consistent and reliable results for your research.

Discover the applications

Biomarker stabilisation is key

Standardized processes are important to ensure biomarker specimen stability and preserving the integrity of biomarker specimens. It is no secret that sample collection and accurate analysis comes with many clinical, technical, and operational challenges including:

  • Sample stability
  • Sample storage and transport
  • Data reproducibility
  • Processing time
  • Supply reliability
  • Biohazard exposure risks

These challenges should not stand in the way of your research. At BD, our range of cell & biomarker stabilization tubes are intended to maintain sample quality from collection, through transport and storage, all the way to final analysis to optimise your workflow.7

Therapeutic applications

Exploring biomarker from discovery to clinical diagnosis

The BD Vacutainer® family of products offer cell and biomarker preservation that promises procurement of accurate and reproducible data across a number of molecular, proteomic, and cellular applications. Discover how BD Cell Preservation Tubes can optimise the preanalytical workflow in your field of research.

Minimise preanalytical variability and ensure success in your obesity and diabetes clinical trials Stabilize peptides critical to your diabetes and obesity clinical trials for >96h8.

Proteomics-Your choice of blood tube impacts the accuracy of measuring GLP-1, GIP and glucagon8

The BD™ P800 Blood Collection tube contains a blend of proprietary protease inhibitors optimised to stabilise GLP-1, glucagon, oxyntomodulin (OXM) and GIP, enhancing metabolic peptide quantification accuracy8

Download P800 brochure

Stable RNA collection for reliable sample analysis

RNA therapies can manipulate either gene expression or produce therapeutic proteins, making the drugs suitable for pathologies with given genetic targets like cancers, immune diseases. The ability to sequence hundreds of thousands of genomes, analyze and manipulate genes with programmable nucleases is driving the discovery of new targets for gene therapies. Yet the ability to manipulate these targets, especially non-coding DNA and the 85% of the genome that might be undruggable using small molecules is lessened without the capacity to deliver therapeutic RNA to diseased cells

Discover our PAXgene ® Blood RNA tubes

Gene  expression in RNA therapeutics

Blood RNA workflow in Molecular in vitro diagnostic testing

Dr Kalle Gunther and Dr Faraia Shah from PreAnalytiX discuss ways to enhance the preanalytical blood RNA workflow for molecular diagnostic testing.

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Blood RNA workflow webinar

RNA protected from enzymatic

Protect your RNA samples for accurate gene expression profiles

Innate cellular processes can inadvertently lead to altered RNA levels upon blood collection. Stabilising reagents can protect RNA molecules from degradation by ribonucleases (RNases) and prevent induction of gene expression. Protection of RNA molecules from enzymatic degradation can preserve a snapshot of gene expression profiles at the time of blood collection regardless of storage and transportation times. Reliable preanalytical processes can optimise the outcomes of downstream biological assays and advance genomics research.

Discover our PAXgene ® Blood RNA tubes

Accurate RNA profiles from cancer cells

Unique RNA profiles play major roles in individual cancer cells and can impact treatment decisions for patients. Cancerous cells can arise from a malfunctioning RNA strand or different types of RNA acting in combination. RNA is notoriously less stable than DNA making it more difficult to accurately capture RNA profiles once samples have been collected. BD technology can capture the actions of malfunctioning RNA by ensuring stabilisation from the point of collection to analysis can enhance outcomes in cancer research; reliable stabilisation is imperative to ensure that accurate results are available to cancer patients.

Discover our PAXgene ® Blood RNA tubes

RNA in full structural integrity for Oncology

Circulating cell-free DNA as key biomarker

Maintain circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) integrity

Circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) is an important biomarker for non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) and liquid biopsy. ccfDNA is obtainable through a regular blood draw and can provide a breadth of information to researchers and clinicians. However, ccfDNA is present in low quantities in the blood and can be further diluted by genomic DNA (gDNA) from blood cells. Anticoagulants and crosslinking reagents in blood collection tubes can impact ccfDNA sample quality.

Liquid biopsy
Liquid biopsy is a minimally invasive method of collecting a patient biofluid sample to test for biomarkers of disease. Liquid biopsies are most commonly used for cancer research and diagnostics. Reliable stabilisation of biomarkers such as ccfDNA means samples can be preserved without any DNA modification.

Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT)
Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) analyses blood samples from pregnant women to identify foetal DNA that is present among maternal ccfDNA to determine the risk of certain genetic abnormalities. Accurate analysis of blood samples relies on their preservation through collection, storage, and transportation.

Discover our PAXgene ® Blood ccfDNA tubes

Liquid biopsy workflow webinar

Optimize your liquid biopsy workflow

Do you want to optimize your liquid biopsy sample quality? Join our webinar discussing how to achieve the best result for your assay

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Sensitivity of liquid biopsy assay

Circulating cell-free DNA (ccfDNA) is used in a number of diagnostic assays which require specified preanalytical workflows to facilitate correct and reliable results. This research article by Thorsten Voss, Andrea Ullius, Maike Schönborn, and Uwe Oelmüller establishes a blueprint for a test procedure to verify and validate a liquid biopsy workflow.

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ccfDNA sensitivity assessment

Circulating cell-free DNA and plasma

PAXgene ® Blood ccfDNA Transport, Robustness and Plasma & plasma stability

Check out these three technical notes on our PAXgene ® Blood ccfDNA Tube (CE-IVD) solution covering sample transport, plasma and nucleated cellular fraction stability, and tube robustness

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Do you need support for your IVDR implementation?

The PAXgene ® Blood ccfDNA Tube (CE-IVD) is now CE marked for In Vitro Diagnostic use according to the Regulation EU 2017/746 on In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices (IVDR). Read our customer letter to learn more.

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ccfDNA in Vitro Diagnostic

Immunology and blood cells, lymphoctyes

Immunology research relies on high quality blood samples

Tumor exists as a complex network of structures that can evolve and evade the host immune system. The immune system includes macrophages, natural killer cells, neutrophils, B and T cells . The immune infiltrate is heterogeneous and varies within a patient and between patients of the same tumor histology.

The crosstalk between the immune cells can influence the nature of immune response, its prognosis, and treatment outcomes in cancer patients.

Therefore, an understanding of the characteristics of the immune cells and their role in tumor immune surveillance is of pivotal to identify immune targets and to develop novel immune therapeutics in the war against cancer

Discover our Cell Preparation tubes

Our solutions

BD – The trusted name in biomarker stabilization

For over 70 years, BD has been a trusted name for blood specimen management solutions. The BD Vacutainer® family of products for blood cell and biomarker preservation are widely used in clinical and biomarker research across the world, in conjunction with a variety of downstream molecular, proteomics and cellular applications. These products can help ensure consistency in results, accuracy of data and workflow efficiency when measuring biomarkers.

BD™ P800

The BD™ P800 Blood Collection tube contains a blend of proprietary protease inhibitors optimised to stabilise GLP-1, glucagon, oxyntomodulin (OXM) and GIP, enhancing metabolic peptide quantification accuracy.8

BD™ P800 efficiently inhibits the proteolysis of metabolic biomarkers crucial to diabetes and obesity clinical trials.8

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Cell Preparation Tubes (CPT™)

Advancing healthcare

As a healthcare professional, you face daily challenges in pursuing quality, ensuring consistent supply and striving to improve patient outcomes. How can we collaborate to address these challenges and advance healthcare with innovation and sustainability?

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