What if the medication process could be simpler and allow you to focus on your patients without interruption?

Distractions and interruptions can occur as frequently as once every two minutes.1

  • The risk of medication error increases by 12.7% with each interruption and by up to 300% when a nurse is interrupted 6 times.
  • 60% of healthcare professionals declare that the errors could be significantly reduced if medical devices were connected and shared data with each other automatically.2
  • In intensive care units, nurses can experience up to 45.5 clinical alerts each hour, 64% of which are false alarms that cause them to pay less attention to or respond to the alarms.3

Free up time to care

Connected medication management combines a streamlined approach with professional services to reduce medication errors, increase traceability and free up nurses from documentation and excess work, contributing to an increase in confidence, peace of mind and their ability to care in a great workspace.

Fewer alarms, less alarm fatigue

Discover how BD applies expertise in reducing alarm fatigue. With a connected medication management approach, you centralise infusion monitoring and this helps to distinguish between critical and non-critical alarms, thereby facilitating better infusion-risk management.

Implementing Connected Medication Management in your hospital could result in

  • Monitoring the delivery status and reducing unnecessary interruptions from real-time data from medication management and inventory software.
  • Reduction up to 25,831 unnecessary interruptions caused by nuisance AIL alarms related to set loading and 129,155 minutes of troubleshooting these alarms per year.4
  • Reduction of 46.4% in near end-of-infusion (NEOI) alerts, 66.1% in end-of-infusion (EOI) alerts and by 31% in reaction time.5,6
  • Automated dispensing cabinets (ADCs) reduce drug dispensing time by 20% and if installed in quiet rooms reduce the frequency of interruptions by 45%.7

Simplify your caregiving process with Automated dispensing cabinets (ADCs)

Discover how BD applies expertise to:

  • support nurses dispense medication to the right patient at the right time
  • benefit from near real-time visibility to patients, medications and device needs
  • document waste remotely and queue your medications at the bedside

What if you could be more confident in enhancing medication safety?

What if you could stay focused while juggling several things at the same time?

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