BD ChloraPrep™ Vascular Range
BD ChloraPrep™ Vascular Range
With BD ChloraPrep™ preoperative skin preparation, you benefit from a formulation and efficacy proven to support skin antisepsis best clinical practice.
Because all patients are vulnerable to potential infection, the BD ChloraPrep™ range is made for every vascular access procedure.
BD ChloraPrep™ provides the peace of mind on which you have relied for over a decade and the full range is endorsed by Aseptic Non-Touch Technique (ANTT®) and the Infection Prevention Society (IPS).
Champion skin antisepsis best-clinical practice for all patients and for all vascular access procedures.
Learn more about BD ChloraPrep™ here.
Catch up on a recent article by Stephen Rowley and Simon Clare, the experts behind Aseptic Non-Touch Technique® (ANTT®) discussing the risk posed by Catheter-Related Blood Stream Infection (CRBSI) and how appropriate methods of skin disinfection can improve ANTT® and reduce infection rates.
Only BD ChloraPrep™ builds on the clinical experience and expertise of over 18 years of proven skin preparation technology, supported by over 50 peer-reviewed publications.
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BD ChloraPrep™ is the only commercially available one step single use applicator licensed for skin disinfection, endorsed by IPS and ANTT®.
A product for each vascular access procedure
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